Sunday, January 8, 2012

Quarter 3 Word Work Activities

I've really gotten addicted to checking other teacher blogs for ideas and creating things over this break. While I'm sure some of my coworkers would tell me I need to just relax and not work on school stuff, I'm not the type of person who can just relax...I wish I were at times. However, my "relaxation" is sitting in front of the TV watching movies and such with my husband. But, I am not able to just sit and enjoy the movies...I HAVE to be doing something else, so creating school stuff is my "something else."
I was talking to one of my new coworkers the other day about how to get the kids to do word work this quarter. She had started this past week to try a foldable with the kids. I thought it was a fantastic idea and that we could get our prefix and suffix word work done easily with the kids! So, I created foldables for each of the prefixes and suffixes for this quarter (click each prefix or suffix if you'd like them) com-, con-, ex-, mis-, pre-, re-, -ible.
Also as I've been blog-hopping, I came across Plug-n-Plan. She created "Synonym Toast Crunch," and I loved the's kind of like war with synonyms. However, they were geared more towards kindergarten or first grade, so I revised it for my fourth graders, and used the words for our prefix and suffix games. If you'd like to download it, click here.
I also took an idea from Cranium and created "Context Cloodle."

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